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Foreigners learning Mandarin

外籍朋友想學習初級華語嗎? Want to take the beginner Chinese course now?

課程共計36小時,學費只要 NT$5200!

If you would like to learn the Chinese language for beginners, please fill in the form (https://forms.gle/Vhv1poHhrH1NeqoaA).

CLC will find a teacher for you once there are more than 15 people interested in the course.

Tuition fees are only NTD 5200 for 36 hours!

是否有適合外籍人士的華語課程? Are there Chinese language courses available for foreigners?



Currently, we only offer Chinese language courses for our foreign students. We do not offer short-term Chinese language courses to the general public.

Foreigners who are interested in learning Chinese and wish to obtain a bachelor's degree may consider the Bachelor Program in Innovative Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. (URL: https://itcsl.ntpu.edu.tw)