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The primary goal of the International College of Sustainability Innovations (ICSI)-affiliated Chinese Language Center (CLC), established in August 2022, is to provide diverse levels of Chinese language-learning resources for National Taipei University (NTPU)'s international, joint dual-degree, and exchange students. After achieving the primary goal, the international students are appropriately assigned to different classes based on their level of Chinese language proficiency. The CLC then plans and surveys the Chinese language proficiency of NTPU's overseas Chinese student population, cooperates with relevant departments, and offers Chinese language courses tailored to students' proficiency levels, thus increasing their efficacy in professional learning. Meanwhile, our existing teaching resources and approaches allow us to offer Chinese language continuation programs to non-student foreigners living in Sanxia. Although Sanxia has many amenities, resident foreigners who wish to learn the Chinese language have been obliged to seek course offers elsewhere. Since the CLC was only established recently, it is challenging to ensure that everything runs smoothly, but we endeavor to take progressive steps to help our students and non-student foreigners experience the friendliness and beauty of Sanxia and Taiwan.


20228月國立臺北大學華語中心 (CLC) 成立,隸屬國際學院 (ICSI),首要目標在於為臺北大學國際學位生、雙聯生、交換生提供分級華語學習資源。待首要目標達成,前述外籍生的華語課程皆能分級銜接開設後,華語中心將進一步籌劃,調查校內僑生華語能力水平,與相關系所合作,開設相應等級的華語課程以協助僑生在學習專業科目上的效率;同時透過現有管道,準備可供校外外籍人士進修的華語課程。三峽雖然生活機能便利,然而居住在此地的外籍人士若希望學習華語,多只能往外地尋求課程資源。華語中心草創初期,難以求得事事週全,惟願按部就班、盡綿薄之力,期望不論校內、校外的外籍人士都能因我們而感受三峽乃至臺灣的友善與美好。


In line with our globalization efforts, the CLC expects to forge a path through the Chinese language for foreigners, enabling them to feel secure and at home overseas.

