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Free Online Lessons: Learning Chinese on Night Market

The Chinese Language Center and the ITCSL Program at National Taipei University will soon hold five free online Chinese lessons.
Join us for online Chinese lessons, suitable for basic learners (about CEFR A2 level), focused on night market activities in Taiwan. Regardless of the learner's Chinese language level, all are welcome to join the course.

Time: GMT+8 Taipei time 19:00-21:00.

Date: Every Tuesday from May 9th to June 6th, 2023.

The courses will be conducted via Google Meet.

Please sign up!
Participants can download learning materials after each online lesson. Additionally, the first fifty participants who attend at least three of the five lessons will receive an account for the online TOCFL Speedy Screening to test their proficiency in the Chinese language.


國立臺北大學華語中心 (CLC) 及華語學程 (ITCSL) 即將舉辦5場免費線上華語課程,課程預設為初學者 (CEFR A2) 等級,歡迎各級華語程度的朋友,一起來逛夜市學華語~




地點:採Google Meet線上課程辦理


1場:59日 【問路 Asking for Directions

2場:516日【美食 Food and Drinks

3場:523日【殺價 Bargaining

4場:530日【錢包不見了 Lost Wallet

5場:66日【滿載而歸 Return with a Full Load



